Monday 11 March 2013

Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?
The general age group we targeted our media product to was 17-25. We feel as a group that it was aimed at males, because we thought that they would enjoy the drama and could relate to them in some way. The sort of person i have in mind is a male student that is interested in media but also likes a good party. They would be from the UK and in university, which means they have good facilities for education and are motivated to achieve the best. In their spare time they would be the type of person to watch films and TV programmes that are crime based such as CSI, Bones, Sixth sense, and se7en. This person would have hobbies such as going out with friends going to the pub and just generally socialising. However, students are the known stereotypically  for budgeting their money so this person’s hobbies would be dependent on how much they earn. They would visit site sucha as twitter, facebook, and instagram to keep in touch with his friends annd keep up to date with everything thats going on around him. Also visiting their blogs to stay in tune with their film and media news/information. They would read a book on the odd occasion but they would be more into magazines about films, gossip, music and fashion. They would listen to Indie/Rock type of music. They would also wear quite dark and simple clothing which would have been bought from clothing shops such as 'Urban outfitters' and 'Size?.' Because of the way they look they would be put in the category of an 'indie' culture. All of this adds up to my demographic target audience.

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