Tuesday 27 November 2012

Analysis of brick

Analysis of Brick 

In the first scene of 'Brick' the diegetic and non diegetic sounds are very important in this clip and the non diegetic music starts straight away. It made out as if something was wrong, like someone was held hostage or has been killed. This music caused an atmosphere, and gave the scene that was about to come on an eery feel to it. The soundtrack confuses the audience because you think its going to be a western movie by the instruments playing, but its completely the opposite.

In the first scene you see a guy squatting, just a few feet away from the dead body by the bank of the river. This instantly makes the audience accuse him of killing the girl, just by the first image we see. Although he may or may not be guilty the audience still are asking questions about what has happened, this makes the audience want to carry on watching the film to answer their questions. Throughout most of the clip both of the characters faces are hidden, to hide the identity of the girl. Also the audience can't see the guys face because his hands cover most of his face as he covers it in shock. This keeps the audience un knowing about who he is and this then creates and mystery to be solved, for the audience.

Also in the beginning scenes of 'brick' you see an extreme close up of the guys face, this was used to show his facial expressions about what happened to the girl. This showed the audience that he was in shock and was guilty, this also makes the audience judge him without knowing the whole story.  
 Once we have seen the guys face and the scene around him, it slowly zooms from his face to different body part of the girl. It shows shots of the girls feet, her face and her hand in the water. The shot of the water running through her fingers symbolises her life is slowly drifting away, like the water through her lifeless fingers.  This then relates to the next scene because the girls hand is placed in the same sort of way and is wearing the same bracelets. The editing changes pace and slows down and you see the same girls hands put a note into some ones locker. This then makes the audience ask questions like: is that boy her secret crush? Was it the boy sitting with her's locker? 

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