Friday 15 March 2013

Brick (Johnson, 1999, US) analysis

  At the beginning of the opening sequence to Brick, it shows who the producer and distributer is. Along with this is a non-digetic sound of western music, with instruments such as cowbells slowly ringing alongside a non-digetic piano soundtrack. The use of the soundtrack creates a eerie/frightful mood and its played as we see the first shot of the sequence. This sets the scene and tells the audience that it could be set in the west.                  

   The soundtrack is played through to the next shot with a cross dissolve to focus us into the next. The next shot is an extreme close up of the boys eyes. He has his hands over/covering his mouth which suggests that he's done something or seen something shocking. By using the extreme close up, it shows the audience how the character feels in great detail and also builds up the mood. As an audience we automatically wonder what it is he's looking at, and because it's an extreme close up you can't see what's happened.  This also makes the audience judge him without knowing the whole story.  
  A long shot is used for the next setting, to show the audience where the guy was placed in the last shot and hat he is looking at. The fact that he is sitting quite far from the girls body suggests either he is too distraught to approach her to find out who she is or he's killed her herself. The setting is quite abandoned and looks as though no one would go down there, this adds to the mood and gives it a shocking atmosphere.                                                                          After seeing the body and the setting, we see various shot reverse shots of the the dead body and the guy overlooking her. They gradually zoom in on the guys face and this creates tension and puts the audience on edge. The shots used of the girl are of her different body parts. For example her head and arm. The girls face is covered by her hair and this makes the audience ask questions about her identity.                                                                                      This close up shows the girls hand in the dirty sewage water. She had bracelets on which also makes the audience ask questions like: who gave her those? Did the guy give them to her as a present? Are they friendship bracelets etc.                              

 The non-digetic sounds have stopped at this next shot and school bells fill it in. This shots is a graphic match of the previous shot shown of her hand in the river/sewers. It shows the same bracelets and hand just in different environments. It is obvious to the audience that its gone back in time to when the girl was alive because she is posting a letter through a locker door.   The final shot is the title 'BRICK.' Its a bold white serif font placed on a black background, it was used in this way to make it stand out and draw the audiences attention. 

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